Women's Suite

50 years ago today, Wings released their debut LP “Wild Life”

50 years ago today, Wings released their debut LP “Wild Life” recorded at Abbey Road over eight days in ’71.

Paul and Linda McCartney, Denny Seiwell and Denny Laine arrived at the Studios in 1971 to begin recording with engineers Tony Clark and Alan Parsons

“Dylan inspired Wild Life, because we heard he had been in the studio and done an album in just a week. So we thought of doing it like that, putting down the spontaneous stuff and not being too careful. So it came out a bit like that. We wrote the tracks in the summer, Linda and I, we wrote them in Scotland in the summer while the lambs we gambolling. We spent two weeks on the Wild Life album all together.” -Paul McCartney (PaulMcCartney.com)

“They rehearsed for a while, sang some old songs, wrote some new ones and in time headed for the big city studios. In three days they had laid down most of the tracks and by the end of a couple of weeks the album was finished.” -Clint Harrigan’s cover notes.