Women's Suite

BBC Fine Art & Fine Craft Festival – New York  May 18th

Bedford, Barrow, Commerce Fine Arts and Crafts Festival (BBC)

New York, NY  – May 18th 2019 (Sat)  

This is the 24rd year of the Bedford, Barrow, Commerce Fine Arts and Crafts Festival (BBC). The show is on Saturday May 18th, 2019. Please save the date.

Bedford, Barrow, Commerce Fine Arts and Crafts is located in the heart of Greenwich Village, in Manhattan, NY. This beautiful historic district has tree-lined streets, specialty shops and fabulous restaurants. We attract tourists from across the USA and around the world. They are looking to shop and buy original art from an American artist.

The BBC Fine Art & Fine Craft Festival attracts over 10,000 shoppers to our one-day show. Manhattan is the center of the arts, and people who come know that. There are about 140 spaces and over 80% of our artists return. The show is free to shoppers. We also have a great food court.

To get more info please visit their website: http://www.entrythingy.com/www.bbcblockassociation.com

Additional questions? Contact Stacey Miller (212) 807-1565