Women's Suite

DIY Patriotic Craft Party for the Littles!

Are you ready for a fun and easy diy patriotic craft?

I just love it when my kids come up to me and complain that they're bored. That ranks right up there with the question,  "Mom, what's for dinner?" I hear one of these in some variation EVERY.DAY.OF.MY.LIFE

Sidestepping Answering the, "Dinner", question has become easier now that I've found Thrive Life© but the "I'm bored" statement still gets me. The kids don't seem satisfied with my standard answer. That answer being a long litany of things they could be doing instead of complaining to me of their ennui (see how I just got all fancy and French!). "If you're so bored why don't you clean your room; mow the lawn; fold the laundry; wash the dishes; give Scooter a bath; clean the hampster cage; pull weeds; wash my car; make your bed;" and the list could go on all day! Of course, none of those are what they are looking for. I'm not really sure what they are  hoping I'll say…….hmmm. 

Long weekends can be especially gruelling but chances are that if the kids have an extra day off from school then there is one or another patriotic holiday right around the corner! You can keep your little ones busy (and keep your sanity) with this kid friendly DIY Patriotic Craft from Crafts By Courtney! Now there's a Mom that's got her blog together! I love the non-traditional use of the iconic plastic red cups! While the kids are making "sparklers" you can enjoy a big red plastic cup of "Mommy-Juice"!