Women's Suite

How Running Can be Good for Both of You

Over the years, a number of contentious studies have been conducted on the health of long distance runners – particularly marathoners. Some health experts are convinced that running is the ultimate exercise, while others are equally convinced that long distance running is as hard on the bones and joints as it is on the heart.

A new study takes the middle ground when it comes to running and runners – stating that marathon running is neither particularly beneficial nor harmful for a runner's heart. But this particular study took things one step further and looked at how running affected the health of runners' spouses. Here, they saw a significant improvement in the heart health of non-runners who are married to runners.

For the study, researchers from the University of Hartford reached out to marathoners who were signed up for the 2012 Boston Marathon. They asked runners if they and their non-running spouses would undergo a series of heart health tests. Forty-two marathoner/spouse partners signed up. The ages of the runners ranged from 33 to 59. Half were women. As you might expect, the runners followed a fairly significant exercise regimen. But their spouses were considerably less active, averaging fewer than two sessions of moderate exercise per week.

Many did not exercise at all. Before the race, the marathoners and their partners completed questionnaires about their overall health, exercise, and eating habits. They also underwent a cholesterol test and a non-invasive heart scan to reveal the buildup of arterial plaques, an indication of heart disease.