Women's Suite

Third Anniversary of Iceland made it ILLEGAL to pay WOMEN less than men, if they are doing the same job.

Three years ago Iceland made it ILLEGAL to pay WOMEN less than men, if they are doing the same job.

Iceland is the first country to take the fight against the gender pay gap a step further, requiring companies to proactively get equal pay certification from the government.

Iceland has been ranked the best in the world for gender pay equality for 9 years in a row.” Food does not cost less to women.

The law came into effect on January 1, 2018 and applies to all companies and organizations with at least 25 full-time employees. Firms with more than 250 employees will have to get the certification by the end of this year, while smaller companies will follow in the next few years, according to their size.

The possible fines are set at around $500 per day in the current legislation.

Shouldn’t it just be a law to pay everyone the same for the same job?