Women's Suite

Perpetual Bone Broth in a Crock-Pot

Bone Broth 

For its healing, nourishing, and restorative properties, bone broth is something our ancestors would not have been without. Sadly, and due partly to our time-strapped society's preference for speedy solutions, bone broth fell out of use in favor of pop-top cans of soup and foil wrapped bouillon cubes. Little did we know, bone broth provided more than a hot meal or added flavor (though both of these things are true and important). 

However, it turns out that the bone broth in the age old remedy of chicken soup has a lot more to do with our healing than we understand. And while most agree that a hot cup of soup is comforting when you are feeling under the weather, it is hard to prove all of the benefits claimed by champions of bone broth.  No doubt about it though, bone broth (along with many other ancient food traditions) is enjoying a renaissance and is now being offered at restaurants and grocery stores. And hey, if you need some scientific evidence, it turns out that bone broth has actually been proven to clear nasal passages and reduce inflammation!

If you're ready to start making your own bone broth, we'd like to share our favorite method along with a loose "recipe" of sorts. 

Perpetual Bone Broth

We cook our bone broth in a slow cooker and scoop it out as needed throughout the week. This makes it so convenient to use in our dishes throughout the day and leaves time free for other chores. If you are looking for a smaller batch method, please see our article on Bone Broth here. 



  1. Place the chicken your slow cooker with all other ingredients. Cover with filtered water and cook on high for an hour and then on low for up to one week.
  2. After a day or so,  you can begin using the broth. As you use the broth or stock, replace it with an equivalent amount of filtered water. 
  3. At the end of the week, strain off any remaining broth and discard or compost the bones. Wash the insert of your slow cooker and start again.