Women's Suite

Selling Wedding Gifts Online

Selling Wedding Gifts Online: Are the Sign of Our Times.

The wedding registry has been the Wedding couple's best defense against multiple unwanted gifts. Daily Mail reports that a 82 percent (Eight Out of Ten) of newlyweds disclose of selling their wedding gifts online.

A high percentage of them are understandable: If the newlyweds don't sell the stuff they can't use that stuff ends up in storage or on a curb, no matter how much thought went into its purchase.

It’s a shame. But then, of course, WomensSuite.com informal survey found that 20 percent of Gifters "fully expect their gifts to go unused, returned, or sold."

Not all gifts are KitchenAid, Dyson, or meaningful gifts that wedding attendees have agonized over.

Wedding Stationery specialists “Paper Themes” survey found that 1 in 5 couples failed to thank all of their wedding guests, with 11 per cent of brides admitting to not sending any Thank You cards at all and a further 9 per cent confessing to only sending cards to ‘some of their guests’.

FREE Downloads Wedding Tools:

WomensSuite.com now has FREE (Downloadable) helpful tools such as Wedding Registry Checkoff-list, Wedding Budget Planner and a centralized Web based Calendar gives an instant, web-based view of where the Wedding party friends, families, organizations and co-workers are, what they are doing: http://community.womenssuite.com/calendarview/all


After the Wedding the happy couple can sell any misfit wedding gifts such as blender, dishes, men’s suite, Bridesmaid dresses, Wedding-gown, etc. on our Marketplace. (Wedding Survey Reveals That 82 Percent Of Newlyweds Sell Their Gifts Online) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/16/wedding-survey_n_3769350.html



WomensSuite.com has a CommUNITY forum. This area is for open discussions and to voice ideas. So please add to the conversation of what factors would cause you to sell a wedding present online? Please Post the most bizarre Wedding gifts Couples have received. Most unwanted gifts are artwork, followed by ornaments, kitchenware also advice books and crystal were also unpopular.

If you have any suggestions for other useful tools WomensSuite.com should provide please let us know. 

Selling unwanted or unusable items is now acceptable newlyweds behavior, it’s a sign of our times.

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