Women's Suite

Hot Yoga and Wine

Hot yoga is known to improve mood and health through the power of stretching, relaxing and drinking wine.

Yes, wine.

103 Hot Pilates & Yoga, 4245 S. Grand Canyon Drive, Suite 118, plans to introduce a Yoga by the Glass class on the 13th of each month that will infuse wine and yoga.

The wine is to help participants loosen up, according to manager ErikaRae Theobald-Grant.

“We’re not saying that it gives you courage, but it gives the average yogi a chance to do something different with their practice,” Theobald-Grant said. “It might also bring in people who normally wouldn’t try the class, like fitness people who don’t practice yoga.”

The idea came about after Theobald-Grant attended the class at a different studio. After speaking with 103 owner Jack Langley, Theobald-Grant was given permission to host the class if she came up with a clever name.

“I was out to dinner one night, and I saw ‘wine by the glass’ on the menu,’ ” she said. “I instantly thought, ‘Oh, this totally works.’ ”

Theobald-Grant said her sister, Katie, who also works at the studio, suggested hosting the class on the 13th of every month to play off the studio’s 103 branding.

“Since it will fall on random days each month, it will give clients more opportunities to attend,” Theobald-Grant said. “It will also give all the instructors a chance to teach it as well.”

While there is no limit on the amount one can drink, Theobald-Grant said wine consumption should be done in moderation.