Women's Suite

Standing Garden: Happy Gardening and Happy Back

Standing Garden: Happy Gardening and Happy Back

For years our vegetable garden was on the ground. For years California has had a severe drought. This year we removed all of the grass in our backyard and replaced it with pea gravel. Nada, Zero, el zippo watering. 
The older we get the further the ground is from us. Especially getting up. We are slowly transitioning to a Standing Garden. 
No Bending, No Weeding and in places our Standing Garden is Self-Watering, Too!
Our Standing Garden allows us to garden in complete comfort — no bending or stooping. Grow salad greens, herbs, even tomatoes and peppers on a deck or patio.
In our plastic rot-resistant planter boxes we made drainage holes on the bottom of the boxes. Placed a thin layer of drainage rocks, then gardening soil. Since the elevated garden structure is two tiered and water will flow out of the top garden box down to another planter box below catching the draining water. Double mileage. 
Happy Gardening and Happy Back!