Tag Archives: treat yourself

Gifts to Give Yourself

The holiday hubbub is just about half way done. The buying gifts and gifting them part of the holidays is pretty much behind us, but I bet almost everyone forgot to get one of the most important people (who probably wasn’t even on your list) a present — yourself! As moms we usually do a really kick ass job of taking care of everyone around us, but we often forget/have no more energy or time left to do the same care for ourselves. Since the new year is just a few days away, now might be the perfect time to give yourself the gift of self care. Often a lot of things are on sale at this point, so half the mom guilt can be brushed aside right there — or gift yourself things that don’t cost a dime, a simple change in your day can be a gift.

via Give Yourself The Gift of Self Care | Hellobee.