Helpful Lawn Tips: Stop Low Elevation Leaks In Your Sprinkler!

Helpful Lawn Tips: Stop Low Elevation Leaks In Your Sprinkler!

If you have a low spot in your yard that keeps leaking water due gravity and if your water bill has skyrocketed and you have no idea why wet spots in your yard this product may be for you.

If you have looked everywhere at the brick and mortar stores and tried all of their check valves which none of them work as the water flow rate is too high. We have done some research and found this check valve. Installed it and it stopped the water leak.

Do an extra step and install a back-flow preventer with a screener washer in between the check valve. Overtime debris would clogged up in the spring and cause the valve to stay open so the screener washer would help prevent debris from getting in the check valve.

Highly recommend this if you have a low spot in your yard that is constantly leaking.

Hunter Check Valve – HCV

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