Tag Archives: holiday tablescape

How To: Holiday Table

The holiday season is all about entertaining. Duh. It’s the time for gathering friends and family, with nieces and nephews running around with grandpa and grandma, sisters gossiping like old times and boyfriends getting introduced to the family for the first time. If you’re lucky, there may even be a bended knee proposal to witness! So many fun and exciting memories happen around this time of year. So why make things stressful and complicated when it comes to putting together a beautiful dinner table?? I’m here to attest that the stress & the holidays do not have to go hand in hand – at least not where decorating is concerned!

I say grab what you got at hand and with just a few festive touches everyone is going to feel special and you’re not going to feel like a wreck!

via Apartment 34 – Your ultimate source for style, fashion, living and beauty.