Tag Archives: womens suite

Superstar Superfoods

Superstar Superfoods

This year,why not focus more on what you can and should eat rather than what you shouldn't? Chances are, if you load up on these nutritious superfoods your body will be full and satisfied. In that way, you are nourishing your body while keeping yourself from feeling deprived because if you're anything like me, when I start thinking of all the things I can't eat, I immediately begin craving them! That's bad news as I also have very little will power. That's why I'm trying to focus on all the delicious foods that I can eat. Superfoods are simply foods that not only taste great but do great things for your body and health. While some are more exotic, (think acai berries and pomegranates), others are things you probably don't think of as superfoods. Foods such as garlic, onions, nuts, salmon, eggs, sardines and broccoli are all superfoods that you can easily incorporate into your daily meal planning. 

Seems like it's worth a shot! Are you trying new Superstar Superfoods this year? 

The best way to eat your way to health is by including nutritional superfoods into your daily diet. It's so easy to add nutrient-rich, flavorsome smart-picks to your menus and create delicious feasts which not only taste amazing, but will also bring long-term health benefits.Nutrients in foods are synergistic – working together to benefit your entire body. Many superstar foods contain phytonutrients that promote good health due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

via Top 10 superstar superfoods | BBC Good Food.

break the creativity block with meditation

Break the Creativity Block with Meditation

Break the creative block with daily meditation. 

If you're a creative person, chances are that you've been trapped by what is commonly known as, "creative block". Hopefully, you found your way out of it and are back on the proverbial horse. In this article, Mark McGuinness speaks about the effects of daily meditation upon life and creativity. 

If you depend on your creativity for your living, then your most valuable piece of equipment is not your computer, smartphone, camera, or any other hi-tech gadget. “In a modern company 70 to 80 percent of what people do is now done by way of their intellects. The critical means of production is small, gray, and weighs around 1.3 kilograms. It is the human brain.”*So what are you doing to maintain this precious resource? You probably give it plenty of stimulation – books, movies, music, nights out, interesting conversations with offbeat people.

Source: What Daily Meditation Can Do for Your Creativity – 99U

how to sell at art shows and craft fairs

How To Sell at Art Shows and Craft Fairs

If you are an artist, maker, craftster or otherwise creative then you might have wondered how to sell at art shows and craft fairs. While doing business and selling your creations in a digital age is now easier than ever, there is still a lot to be gained by selling in a physical venue. However, joining the wrong show can be worse for you (and your business) than not joining at all so take the time to research the shows you are considering. Some helpful questions to ask are; Is the show juried or not juried? How much are the booth fees? What is the expected turnout and what are they basing those numbers on? Can you "double up" with a friend? 

These questions and more are addressed in Patrice Lewis' article "Doing Craft Shows: Simple Tips to Make Your Experience Successful". Of course you know that not all venues are created equal and some shows may be great for some but don't work for your particular niche. In general, though, there are a few tell-tale indicators of whether the show you are considering is a "good" one. 

Booth fees and what they say about the show. 

What makes a high booth fee worth it? Look for high-quality vendors with most or all of their products hand-crafted; look for excellent and broad advertising; and find out the anticipated attendance. If a show attracts 70,000 people, a $1,000 booth fee may be worth it. If a show is expected to attract a maximum of 500 people, make sure the booth fee is low.

For more great information on the topic, please visit the original article here. 


women's equality day

What I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business: BlissBombed.com

 As a small business owner, you know the importance of a having a support system around you. Part of that support system is seeking advice from fellow solopreneurs. Today's advice comes from Stephanie St.Claire at BlissBombed.com. Her article, "11 Things I Wish I Knew When I started My Business", has so many pearls, we think you will love reading it! One of our favorites is the following:

NUMBER 4.RUNNING OUT OF MONEY IS A COMMON PART OF THE JOURNEY. You won’t expect it, because you prepared for the long haul. You secured a business loan, or got some investors, or sold your house (cough, cough), or have one year’s worth of savings and you have planned accordingly.But then all of the sudden, midst the puffy clouds and blue skies, your little twin engine Entreprenairplane will sputter, the needle on the gas gauge unexpectedly plummeting to zero, and you will have only one choice… land your plane on the wild, abandoned air strip called Bank Balance: Fourteen Dollars. And this will be the LAST PLACE you ever thought you’d crash land, because didn’t you pass this test on No More Sephora Island?

Source: 11 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started My Business | BLISSBOMBED.com

abandoned resolutions fresh start

Abandoned Resolutions, Fresh Start

How are your New Year's resolutions going? Have you fallen off the wagon, slipped into old habits, abandoned your new healthy way of eating? If so, you've got plenty of company. 

Abandoned resolutions

According to StatistcisBrain.com, of the people that make resolutions, only 8% report that they actually had success in achieving their resolution. That mean's an overwhelming majority of people just don't "stick with it". That's a lot of abandoned resolutions. 

A fresh start

If you're one of the 8%, congratulations! For the rest of us, every third Saturday in July is a chance to "reboot" and start over! So stop beating yourself up and celebrate National, Toss Away The "Could Haves" and "Should Haves" Day. There are many reasons to blame for resolutions not working out. I know I can point to many factors in my own resolution adventure/debacle. When I really focus on it, I'm overwhelmingly left feeling defeated. That's a feeling that I'm absolutely ready to let go of. Who knows, maybe by the end of the year I can be part of the 8% after all!

Health Lessons Learned

Health Lessons Learned

Many of us have health lessons learned from our family. Along with family history, older relatives have a weatlh of health knowledge that we can benefit from. The proof is in the pudding, they say. If your 90-year-old great grandmother gives you health advice, you'd be wise to take heed!

Health Lessons Learned

I'm a doctor, but it was my great-grandmother who taught me the virtues of omega-3s…at the breakfast table when I was 5 years old. We called her “Mud," a family nickname from the abbreviated version of the German word for mother.When I was a little girl, Mud traveled from California to Maryland to visit us. We were a typical American family of the ’70s, living in suburbia, watching Charlie’s Angels, eating the occasional Pop-Tarts and Girl Scout cookie. She showed up at our house not with a Barbie or gum like my friend’s grandma, but with wheat berries, cod liver oil, carob chips, wheat germ, and Meyer lemons. Needless to say, I thought she was weird.

Source: 3 Health Lessons I Learned From My Great Grandmother: Dr. Sara Gottfried Explains – mindbodygreen.com

Vegan Coconut Ice Cream

Vegan Coconut Ice Cream – Guilt Free!

This Vegan Coconut Ice Cream recipe from MindBodyGreen.com seems to have everything going for it. It's simple, vegan, gluten and refined sugar free plus it manages to be sweet enough to still feel like an indulgence. This recipe shapes up in no time and can easily be taken on an afternoon family project. We hope you give it a try and enjoy it as much as we did! 

It seems like chocolate and vanilla always take the spotlight when it comes to desserts. But when there's an option for coconut desserts that have just the right amount of tropical flavor, nothing else compares.Coconut dessert recipes offer a different kind of sweetness, with a flavor that's just right during the summer.


  • 2 cans of organic full-fat coconut milk
  • 4 large dates, pitted
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • dash of cinnamon
  • pinch of sea salt


1. Chill the coconut milk cans in the fridge overnight.

2. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth.

3. Run the mixture through an ice cream machine as per instructions. If you don’t have an ice cream machine, place in the freezer in a large container and freeze until firm (approximately 4 hours), removing every hour to whisk with a fork.

Source: Vegan Coconut Ice Cream – mindbodygreen.com

highly creative people

Highly Creative People

A list of things highly creative people will understand…..

If you're a creative person, this list by Kevin Kaiser at Lifehack.org will deeply resonate with you. If you have difficulty staying on task, crave solitude or find yourself binge creating, be comforted! You are probably one of the highly creative people whose neural pathways fire differently than the majority. While I wouldn't consider myself "highly creative",  I found myself smiling at this list and feeling a strong affirmation. Now when I begin feeling self-criticism about not staying on task, I can simply tell myself, "Hey, you're just being creative!" Right? You may find some attributes that you recognize in yourself on this list, (does difficulty refocusing and trouble finishing projects sound familiar to you?)

From Lifehack.org

There’s no argument anymore. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently than the average person. Their brains are literally hardwired in a unique way.

Source: 20 Things Only Highly Creative People Would Understand

green smoothie for clear skin

Green Smoothie for Clear Skin

A green smoothie for clear skin could be just the way to start your day. Of course, nothing says you have to enjoy this anti-inflammatory smoothie for breakfast. Consider having it after dinner or for an afternoon pick-me-up! 

Acne is a sign of inflammation in the body. People with acne have high levels of inflammation while their antioxidant levels are low. To put it simply, anyone having acne should try to reduce their inflammation levels while trying to increase the antioxidant levels in their body. There are a lot of specific foods and spices that can help with this, but here are the three things from my kitchen that do it rather well. They helped not only clear my acne but brighten my skin tone and smoothen my skin.

Source: Green Smoothie Recipe For Clear Skin – mindbodygreen.com

habits of highly creative people

Habits of Highly Creative People 

Habits of highly creative people, recognize any?

We all have habits and highly creative people are no exception. Studying and documenting these habits can shine a light onto our behavior. While adopting these habits won't necessarily make you a more creative person, if you recognize them as habits in your own life it can be a comfort to know you are not alone.

Article by Scott Barry Kaufman, Carolyn Gregoire from greatergood.berkeley.edu

Neuroscientists who study creativity have found that creativity does not involve a single brain region or even a single side of the brain, as the “right brain” myth of creativity suggests; instead, it draws on the whole brain. This complex process consists of many interacting cognitive systems (both conscious and unconscious) and emotions, with different brain regions recruited to handle each task and to work together as a team to get the job done.

Source: Ten Habits of Highly Creative People | Greater Good

Health Facts About Blueberries

Health Facts About Blueberries 

 Health Facts About Blueberries

Have you ever wondered if the health facts about blueberries are overstated? 

Blueberries are extremely popular for dieticians and health experts. They are full of nutritional goodness, helping people to fight against all types of illnesses, including cancer. The fruit also works extremely well in recipes, whether savoury or sweet.If the blueberry fruit has been recommended to you or you’ve come across them a lot in your grocery shop, it’s time to learn more about why they are so good for you. Here are 10 nutritional facts about blueberries nutrition and look out for some recipes ideas below to try out today.

Source: 10 Nutritional Facts About Blueberries And Recipes You Must Try

Yoga Benefits

Does it seem like everyone you know is doing yoga? Well, not everyone, but the numbers are rapidly rising—and with good reason.

Yoga is a form of exercise that nearly anyone can do, with very little equipment, and it improves strength, balance, flexibility and overall physical and mental well-being.

A newly released study shows that the number of U.S. yoga practitioners has increased to more than 36 million, up from 20.4 million in 2012. That's one in every nine people. Wow! Most (almost three-fourths) of yoga practitioners are women, but men and older people are trying yoga in increasing numbers.

The 2016 Yoga in America Study, conducted by Ispos Public Affairs on behalf of Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance, shows that more than one-third of Americans (80 million people) say they are likely to try yoga for the first time in the next 12 months. That means I'd better get to class early and stake out my space.

via Yoga Benefits Mind and Body at All Ages | HealthyWomen.

Honeybees pick up pesticides from non-crop plants.

Honeybees are Picking up Pesticides from Non-Crop Plants

Researchers at Purdue University tracked the pollen sources and pesticide levels of honeybees over the course of 16 weeks. Samples taken from their hives revealed pollen foraged from 30 plant families. The samples contained residues of pesticides from nine chemical classes, including neonicotinoids — a pesticide implicated in colony collapse disorder."Although crop pollen was only a minor part of what they collected, bees in our study were exposed to a far wider range of chemicals than we expected," Christian Krupke, professor of entomology, said in a news release. "The sheer numbers of pesticides we found in pollen samples were astonishing.""Agricultural chemicals are only part of the problem," Krupke added. "Homeowners and urban landscapes are big contributors, even when hives are directly adjacent to crop fields."In addition to neonicotinoids, researchers found significant traces of pyrethroids, an insecticide commonly used by homeowners to battle wasps, mosquitos and other nuisance pests.

Source: Honeybees pick up pesticides from non-crop plants, too – UPI.com

Decluttering Tips & Inspirational Video

‘Clutter Foot': the condition where you get into a car that has stuff in the foot area and you think you have enough room … until an hour goes by and you realize that you’re uncomfortable and that it has been slowly driving you INSANE; insane enough to roll yourself out of the car at a stoplight, Mission Impossible style.

‘Clutter Body': see above, but your whole body in your own home. I know I’ve talked about this before, but every year I get ‘clutter body’ really bad. Last year I spent 5 days over the holiday break cleaning out every single cupboard/drawer/pantry in my house (I listened to Serial the entire time). It was both depressing, exhilarating and satisfying. Starting fresh is super cliche, but absolutely necessary to my sanity. This year wasn’t so bad because I had that studio sale, thank goodness, but I still had 95 charging and electric cords that needed to find a home.

So Target, Zanna and I, created a series called ‘How do you do?’ as in, ‘How do you do .. decluttering? Organization? Simplicity in the bedroom?’ Etc. In this video Zanna (who is an incredible fashion stylist, spokesperson, and someone who even launched her own makeup line recently which you’ll hear more about soon) walks you through the clothes and beauty and I take on the closet and bathroom (style-wise).

For the full article please visit the link below. 

via Decluttering For The New Year – Emily Henderson.

Clean your makeup brushes.

An All-Natural Way To Clean Your Makeup Brush

Do you clean your makeup brush?

Go ahead, admit it … the thought of cleaning your makeup brush doesn't occur to you very often (or at all!), does it?

I used to be like that until I realized that even though I was taking the utmost care to only use natural makeup and skin care products, I was applying everything with dirty brushes. All it took were a few breakouts to get me thinking about what I was doing wrong and it soon occurred to be that dirty tools were the culprit.

I'm happy to report that since cleaning up my brush-cleaning-act, my skin is clearer and my brushes not only look nicer, they're performing better than ever!

via A Simple, All-Natural Technique For Cleaning Your Makeup Brushes – mindbodygreen.com.

Bra buying mistakes

Common Bra Buying Mistakes

 Common bra buying mistakes. 

Buying a bra is one of the easiest tasks for women. Isn’t it? OR Is it the trickiest task of all? Well, with the right knowledge and idea about choosing a good bra, buying the best fitting bra is nothing less than a minute’s time. But, if you are not clear about the size, shape and purpose of the bra, you may simply spend hours choosing the right fit.Helping you further with choosing the right bra, here is a list of 6 common mistakes that women make when buying a bra. Avoid them and you will see yourself choosing bras’ like a pro from your favorite lingerie store.

Source: 6 Common Mistakes Women Make When Buying a Bra

Is Your Gut Responsible for Your Health Issues?

As a doctor specializing in functional medicine and gut health for almost a decade now, you’d think I grew up with a healthy, balanced digestive system.

Well, I didn’t. Along with the estimated 70 million Americans struggling with digestive diseases, I suffered from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for more than half of my life. And even worse — as a result of eating all the wrong foods as a teenager — I also suffered from allergies, depression, frequent colds, sinus infections, and bronchitis.

Doctors thought my immune system was weak — but at the root of my problems was a distressed gut. I considered stomachaches, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, and constipation part of my “normal.” This is often the case with the many patients suffering from digestive and gut-related disorders I see in my practice every day. They’ve grown so accustomed to having an unhappy gut they don’t realize how bad they felt until they start feeling better.

via 9 Signs Your Gut Is At The Root Of Your Health Issues + How To Heal – mindbodygreen.com.

DIY: Veggie Garden Markers

DIY: Veggie Garden Markers

I’ve always loved the idea of having a veggie garden.
Tasty, healthy, vegetables
right in my front yard.
Yes please!
The only problem is
I do not have a green thumb in my body.
I’ve killed every plant and flower I have ever received.
My husband’s grandma
who is an excellent gardener
says it’s because I give them too much love and attention.
I think she’s just trying to be nice.
Anyways, when we moved a few months ago
it just so happened (actually it was totally intentional)
that we moved right next door
to our great friends.
And it just so happens that our friends are great gardeners!

From: www.lubirdbaby.com